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Variability4TOSCA Specification 1.0 Release Candidate

This document specifies Variability4TOSCA which extends TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.3 with conditional elements to model deployment variability. This includes conditional node templates, relationship templates, properties, artifacts, groups, policies, types, inputs, and imports. In the following, we discuss the differences and the processes to resolve the variability. The specification is under active development and is not backwards compatible with any previous versions.


We quickly introduce some terminologies.

  • A condition holds if the condition evaluates to true.
  • An element is present if all assigned conditions hold.
  • An element is absent if not all assigned conditions hold.
  • A variability resolver is a TOSCA processor that resolves the variability of a variable service template, thus, derives a variability-resolved service template

Service Template

A service template must have the TOSCA definitions version tosca_variability_1_0. Such a service template is also called variable service template.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
tosca_definitions_version true String The required TOSCA definitions version. Must be tosca_variability_1_0.

Topology Template

A topology template additionally contains a variability definition. Such a topology template is also called variable topology template.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
variability true VariabilityDefinition A required object for variability inputs, variability presets, and variability expressions.

Variability Definition

A variability definition defines variability inputs, variability presets, variability expressions, and variability options.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
inputs false Map(String, VariabilityInput) An optional map of input parameters used inside variability expressions.
presets false Map(String, VariabilityPreset) An optional map of variability preset definitions.
expressions false Map(String, VariabilityExpression) An optional map of variability expressions.
constraints false List(LogicExpression) An optional list of constraints respected when resolving variability.
options false Map(String, Boolean) An optional map of variability options.
type_specific_conditions false String | List(TypeSpecificDefaultCondition) An optional definition of type-specific default conditions. If string, then treated as relative file to import (default: "./type-specific-conditions.yaml")
qualities false String | List(TechnologyRule) An optional definition of technology assignment rules. If string, then treated as relative file to import (default: ["./rules.yaml", "./lib/rules.yaml"]).
plugins false PluginDefinition An optional definition of plugins.

The following non-normative and incomplete example contains a variability definition which declares the variability input mode and two variability presets dev and prod are defined which either assigns mode the value dev or prod. Furthermore, two variability conditions is_dev and is_prod which evaluate if mode equals dev or prod, respectively.

            type: string

            name: Development
            description: Deploy the application on a private cloud
                mode: dev
            name: Production
            description: Deploy the application on a public cloud
                mode: prod

        is_dev: { equal: [ { variability_input: mode }, dev ] }
        is_prod: { equal: [ { variability_input: mode }, prod ] }

Variability Input

A variability input is an input parameter which additionally has the following keywords.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
default_expression false ValueExpression A value expression as default.
mandatory false String | List(String) Mandatory variability inputs.
optional false String | List(String) Any other variability input.
choices false List(String) Requires none, one, or multiple of referenced variability input.
alternatives false List(String) Requires exactly one of the referenced variability input.
requires false String | List(String) (Cross-tree) Implies/ requires another variability input.
excludes false String | List(String) (Cross-tree) Excludes another variability input.

For example, the following variability input has a value expression as default value assigned.

        type: string
        default_expression: <ValueExpression>

Variability Options

There are the following variability options. More specific options override wider set options. For example, the following options the mode strict is configured. This mode disables all default conditions and pruning. However, pruning of nodes is explicitly set by node_pruning, thus, nodes are pruned regardless of the set mode.

    mode: manual
    node_pruning: true

General Options

The following options are general options.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
mode false manual | consistent-strict | consistent-loose | default | semantic-strict | semantic-loose manual Configure pruning mode.

Default Condition Options

The following options are used to configure the default conditions of elements.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
default_condition false Boolean false Enable all default conditions (consistency and semantic).
input_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for inputs (consistency and semantic).
input_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for inputs.
input_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for inputs.
node_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for nodes (consistency and semantic).
node_default_condition_mode false List(source | incoming | incomingnaive | host | artifact | artifactnaive, -) incoming-artifact Configure the default condition for nodes.
node_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for nodes.
node_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for nodes.
output_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for outputs (consistency and semantic).
output_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for outputs.
output_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for outputs.
relation_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for relations (consistency and semantic).
relation_default_condition_mode false List(source | target, -) source-target Configure the default condition for relations.
relation_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for relations.
relation_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for relations.
relation_default_implied false Boolean false Enable default implication for relations. Does not apply for hosting relations.
policy_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for policies (consistency and semantic).
policy_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for policies.
policy_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for policies.
group_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for groups (consistency and semantic).
group_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for groups.
group_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for groups.
artifact_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for artifacts (consistency and semantic).
artifact_default_condition_mode false List(container | technology, -) container Configure the default condition for artifacts.
artifact_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for artifacts.
artifact_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for artifacts.
property_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for properties (consistency and semantic).
property_default_condition_mode false List(container | consuming, -) container-consuming Configure the default condition for properties.
property_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for properties.
property_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for properties.
type_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for types (consistency and semantic).
type_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for types.
type_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for types.
technology_default_condition false Boolean false Enable default condition for (deployment) technologies (consistency and semantic).
technology_default_condition_mode false List(container | other, -) container-other Configure the default condition for (deployment) technologies.
technology_default_consistency_condition false Boolean false Enable default consistency condition for technologies.
technology_default_semantic_condition false Boolean false Enable default semantic condition for technologies.

Pruning Options

The following options are used to configure the pruning of elements.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of all elements (consistency and semantic).
input_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of inputs (consistency and semantic).
input_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of inputs.
input_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of inputs.
node_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of nodes (consistency and semantic).
node_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of nodes.
node_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of nodes.
output_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of output (consistency and semantic).
output_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of output.
output_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of output.
relation_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of relations (consistency and semantic).
relation_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of relations.
relation_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of relations.
policy_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of policies (consistency and semantic).
policy_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of policies.
policy_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of policies.
group_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of groups (consistency and semantic).
group_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of groups.
group_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of groups.
artifact_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of artifacts (consistency and semantic).
artifact_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of artifacts.
artifact_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of artifacts.
property_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of properties (consistency and semantic).
property_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of properties.
property_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of properties.
type_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of types (consistency and semantic).
type_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of types.
type_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of types.
technology_pruning false Boolean false Enable pruning of (deployment) technologies (consistency and semantic).
technology_consistency_pruning false Boolean false Enable consistency pruning of technologies.
technology_semantic_pruning false Boolean false Enable semantic pruning of technologies.

Checks Options

The following options are used to configure checks.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
checks false Boolean true Enable all checks.
consistency_checks false Boolean true Enable all consistency checks.
semantic_checks false Boolean true Enable all semantic checks.
relation_source_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present relation sources.
relation_target_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present relation targets.
ambiguous_hosting_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding at maximum one present hosting relation.
missing_artifact_container_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present container of artifacts.
ambiguous_artifact_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present artifacts.
missing_property_container_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present container of properties.
ambiguous_property_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present properties.
missing_type_container_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present containers of types.
ambiguous_type_check false Boolean ture Enable the consistency check regarding exactly one present type per container.
expected_hosting_check false Boolean true Enable the semantic check regarding an expected present hosting relation.
expected_incoming_relation_check false Boolean true Enable the semantic check regarding an expected incoming relation.
expected_artifact_check false Boolean true Enable the semantic check regarding an expected artifact.
expected_technology_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present technologies.
missing_technology_container_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding present container of technologies.
ambiguous_technology_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present technologies.
ambiguous_relation_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present relations.
ambiguous_input_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present inputs.
ambiguous_output_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding ambiguous present outputs.
unconsumed_input_check false Boolean true Enable the semantic check regarding not consumed inputs.
unproduced_output_check false Boolean true Enable the consistency check regarding not produced outputs.
required_technology_check false Boolean true Enable in the enricher if technology is required when enriching technologies

Solver Options

The following options are used to configure the solver.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
optimization_topology false Boolean | min | max false Configure optimization considering topology.
optimization_topology_unique false Boolean true Enable check for unique results considering topology.
optimization_topology_unique_backward false Boolean false Enable check for unique results considering topology in backwards compatibility (does not expecte topology optimization).
optimization_topology_mode false count | weight weight Configure optimization mode considering topology.
optimization_technologies false Boolean | min | max false Enable optimization considering technologies.
optimization_technologies_unique false Boolean false Enable check for unique results considering technologies.
optimization_technologies_mode false count | weight | weight-count count Configure optimization mode considering technologies.

Enricher Options

The following options are used to configure the enricher.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
enrich_input_condition false Boolean true Enable if a condition should be enriched to an element considering a variability input having the element id as name.
enrich_technologies false Boolean false Enable if technologies are enriched.
enrich_implementations false Boolean false Enable if implementations are enriched.

Constraints Options

This is an experimental feature.

The following options are used to configure constraints.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
constraints false Boolean false Enable all constraints.
relation_source_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present relation sources.
relation_target_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present relation targets.
relation_enhanced_implication_mode false Boolean true Enable enhanced implied relations.
artifact_container_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present container of artifacts.
property_container_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present container of properties.
type_container_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present containers of types.
required_hosting_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present hosting stack.
single_hosting_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding present single hosting.
required_technology_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding technologies.
unique_property_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique property names.
unique_artifact_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique artifact names.
unique_input_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique deployment input names.
unique_output_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique deployment output names.
unique_relation_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique relation names.
unique_technology_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding unique technology names.
required_artifact_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding required artifact.
required_incoming_relation_constraint false Boolean false Enable the constraint regarding required incoming relation.

Pruning Modes

There are several predefined pruning modes which provide different useful combinations of default conditions and the pruning of elements that can be directly used.

  • manual: no default or pruning conditions are enabled at all
  • consistent-strict: all default consistency conditions are enabled
  • consitent-loose: consistency pruning is enabled
  • default: all default conditions are enabled (consistency and semantic)
  • semantic-strict: consistency pruning is enabled and semantic defaults
  • semantic-loose: pruning is enabled everywhere (consistency and semantic)

Note, pruning modes do not consider input and output pruning in tosca_variability_1_0_rc_2 but in tosca_variability_1_0_rc_3.

RC v2

tosca_variability_1_0_rc_2 has the following default values.

mode: semantic-loose
node_default_condition_mode: incomingnaive-artifact-host
optimization_topology: min
optimization_topology_unique: true
optimization_technologies: max
optimization_technologies_mode: weight-count
required_technology_constraint: true
required_hosting_constraint: true
single_hosting_constraint: true
relation_default_implied: true
unconsumed_input_check: false
unproduced_output_check: false
enrich_technologies: true
enrich_implementations: true

RC v3

tosca_variability_1_0_rc_3 has the following default values. Also, pruning modes consider input and output pruning.

mode: semantic-loose
node_default_condition_mode: incomingnaive-artifact-host
optimization_topology: min
optimization_topology_unique: true
optimization_technologies: max
optimization_technologies_mode: weight-count
optimization_technologies_unique: false
required_technology_constraint: true
required_hosting_constraint: true
single_hosting_constraint: true
unique_property_constraint: true
unique_artifact_constraint: true
unique_input_constraint: true
unique_output_constraint: true
unique_relation_constraint: true
unique_technology_constraint: true
relation_default_implied: true
checks: false
enrich_technologies: true
enrich_implementations: true
artifact_default_condition_mode: container-managed

Default Conditions

There are element-generic default conditions and type-specific default conditions. Element-generic default conditions are generic default conditions defined per element. However, type-specific default conditions are defined per type, e.g., node type, and, thus, override element-generic default conditions.

Element-Generic Default Conditions

The following element-generic default conditions can be assigned to elements.

Element Consistency Semantic Default Conditions
Node with Incoming Relations (incoming) false true Check if any incoming relation is present.
Node with Artifacts (artifact) false true Check if any artifact is present.
Property (container) true false Check if the container, e.g., node template or policy, of the property is present.
Input false true Check if the input is consumed.
Output true false Check if the output is produced.
Relation true false Check if the source and target of the relation is present.
Policy false true Check if the policy has any targets which are present.
Group false true Check if the group has any members which are present.
Artifact (container) true false Check if the node template of the artifact is present.
Technology (container) true false Check if the node template of the technology is present.
Technology (other) true false Check if no other technology of the node template is present.
Root true true The default condition of element always holds.

Thereby, we define a consistency condition a condition which targets the consistency of the metamodel, thus, ensuring that the metamodel can be correctly parsed, e.g., a property must have a container. In contrast, a semantic condition targets semantic aspect of elements or the type system, e.g., a node without incoming relations is not used and can be removed.

Depending on the context, other default conditions are more applicable. The following default conditions can be chosen instead of the ones introduced above.

Element Consistency Semantic Default Conditions
Node with Incoming Relations (incomingnaive) false true Check if any incoming relation is present using has_incoming_relation_naive.
Node with Incoming Relations (source) false true Check if any source of any incoming relation is present.
Node with Outgoing Relations (outgoing) false true Check if any outgoing relation is present.
Node with Outgoing Relations (outgoingnaive) false true Check if any outgoing relation is present using has_outgoing_relation_naive.
Node with Host (host) false true Check if any host is present.
Node with Artifact (artifactnaive) false true Check if any artifact is present using has_artifact_naive.
Relation (source) true false Check if the source of the relation is present.
Relation (target) true false Check if the target of the relation is present.
Artifact (managed) false true Check if the artifact is managed by any technology.
Property (consuming) true false Check if the consumed property or input is present.

Type-Specific Default Conditions

Conditional types conflict with this feature!

Type-specific default conditions can be defined to override element-generic default conditions for specific type. A type-specific default condition is defined as follows and is supported for nodes, relations, properties, artifact, groups, and policies.

Keyname Mandatory Type Default Description
conditions true VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) A variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
consistency false Boolean false Configures the condition to be a consistency condition.
semantic false Boolean true Configures the condition to be a semantic condition.

For example, the node type scenario.monitor defines a type-specific semantic default condition checking for the presence of its host.

            conditions: {host_presence: SELF}
            semantic: true

Technology Rules

Conditional types conflict with this feature!

Technology rules can be defined to automatically select a deployment technology for a component. A technology rule is defined as follows.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
technology true String The name of the deployment technology.
component true String The type of the component to which the technology can be assigned.
hosting false List(String) The type of the host of the component which the technology requires. If list, then refers to the hosting stack.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) The conditions under which a technology can be assigned to a component.
weight false Number The weight which is minimized (default is 1).
assign false String Configure the node type that is assigned (default: ${current_type}.${technology_name}.${host_type_prefix}).

For example, the node type application can be deployed using the deployment technology terraform if the host is of type terraform_host.

        - component: application
          hosting: terraform_host

Variability Preset

A variability preset predefines values for variability inputs that might be used when resolving variability.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
name false String An optional name of the variability preset.
description false String An optional description for the variability preset.
inputs true Map(String, InputParameterAssignment) A required map of input parameter assignments.

For example, the following variability preset dev set the values of the two variability inputs mode and another_input but not of another_another_input.

            type: string

           type: string

            type: string

            name: Development
            description: Deploy the application on a private cloud
                mode: dev
                another_input: another_value

Variability Expression

A variability expression is an expression which consists of operators and functions which are listed below. For example, the following expression returns the total amount of costs. This result might be used inside a variability condition to ensure that the deployment costs are within a specific budget.

           my_expression: {add: [{variability_input: costs_offering_a}, {variability_input: costs_offering_b}]}

There are different kinds of variability expressions, as displayed in Figure 1. Value expressions return any kind of value and logic expressions return Booleans.

Variability Expressions

Figure 1: Different variability expressions types

Variability Condition

A variability condition is a logic expression targeting the presence of an element, as displayed in Figure 1. Allowed operators and functions are listed below. For example, the following variability condition is_prod evaluates to true if the variability input mode equals prod.

                type: string

            is_prod: {equal: [{variability_input: mode}, prod]}

            conditions: {logic_expression: is_prod}

Node Template

A node template is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective node template is not present. A node template can also hold conditional types, artifact, and properties.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
type true String | List(Map(String, TypeAssignment)) The type or a list of conditional type assignments.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
artifacts false Map(String, ArtifactTemplate) | List(Map(String, ArtifactTemplate){single}) An optional map of artifact or a list of artifact maps. If a list is given, then each artifact map must contain only one artifact.
properties false Map(String, PropertyAssignment) | List(Map(String, PropertyAssignment){single}) An optional map of property assignments or a list of property assignments maps. If a list is given, then each property assignment map must contain only one property.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false source | relation | host | source-host | relation-host Configure the default condition for this element.
persistent false Boolean Configure if node is persistent, e.g., always consumed by an end user from the browser. This will prevent unexpected pruning by setting the pruning option to false.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
weight false Boolean | Non-Negative Number Configure the weight of this element used during optimization (default is 1).
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.
technology false String | List(Map(String, TechnologyTemplate){single}) An optional conditional assignment of deployment technologies.
managed false Boolean Enable if node is managed (default is true).
implied false Boolean Enables that the manual conditions are used to imply the element.

For example, the following node template has a variability condition assigned.

    conditions: {logic_expression: is_prod}

Technology Template

A technology template is a conditional elements, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective technology template is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the technology as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false container | other | container-other Configure the default condition for this element.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
weight false Boolean | Non-Negative Number Configure the weight of this element used during optimization (default is 1).
assign false String Configure the node type that is assigned (default: ${current_type}.${technology_name}.${host_type_prefix}).

Type Assignment

A type is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and further options can be assigned to a type assignment. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective relationship is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the type as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

For example, the following node template database has a conditional type switching between a development and production database.

            conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
            conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Requirement Assignment

A requirement assignment is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective relationship is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the requirement assignment as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false source-target | source | target Configure the default condition for this element.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.
implied false Boolean | SOURCE | TARGET | CONTAINER Enables that the manual conditions are used to imply the element when the source/ target (depending on the configuration) is present. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.

For example, the following requirement assignment host has a variability condition assigned.

    - host:
          node: dev_runtime
          conditions: {logic_expression: is_dev}

Relationship Templates

A relationship template can contain conditional properties. Note, the presence of a relationship template is bound to the presence of the requirement assignment in which it is used. A relationship template can also hold conditional properties.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
type true String | List(Map(String, TypeAssignment)) The type or a list of conditional type assignments.
properties false Map(String, PropertyAssignment) | List(Map(String, PropertyAssignment){single}) An optional map of property assignments or a list of property assignments maps. If a list is given, then each property assignment map must contain only one property.

For example, the following relationship templates contains conditional properties.

        type: my.relationship
            -   property_one:
                    value: value_one
                    conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
            -   property_two:
                    value: value_two
                    conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Property Assignment

A property is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective relationship is not present. However, this only applies if the property assignment is wrapped as the following object and if it is used in a list.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
value false (Original) PropertyAssignment The value of the property.
expression false ValueExpression A value expressions which is evaluated and used as value.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the value as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false container | consuming | container-consuming Configure the default condition for this element.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

These keywords are used to detect if a property assignment is wrapped. Thus, if any of these keywords must be used as value for property, then this property must be wrapped. For example, the property key_one has the value {value: the_value} and, thus, must be wrapped.

- key_one:
      value: {value: the_value}

- conditional_property:
      value: conditional_value
      conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Group Template

A group is conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. Depending on the group type the conditions are either assigned to the group itself or to the group members. A group can also hold conditional types and properties.

In general, the conditions are assigned to the group itself. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective group is not present. We refer to such a group also as conditional group.

However, if the group is derived from variability.groups.ConditionalMembers then the conditions are assigned to the group members. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective group members are not present in the variability-resolved service template. Furthermore, group elements can be node templates and requirement assignments. We refer to such a group also as variability group. A variability group is always absent and, thus, always removed when resolving variability.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
type true String | List(Map(String, TypeAssignment)) The type or a list of conditional type assignments.
members false List(String | Tuple(String, String) | Tuple(String, Number)) An optional list of node templates names or requirement assignment names/ index of a node template.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
properties false Map(String, PropertyAssignment) | List(Map(String, PropertyAssignment){single}) An optional map of property assignments or a list of property assignments maps. If a list is given, then each property assignment map must contain only one property.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

For example, the following group example_group is a conditional group which is only present if assigned conditions hold.

    type: tosca.groups.Root
    members: [prod_database, [application, prod_connects_to]]
    conditions: {logic_expression: is_prod}

However, the following group example_group assigns its assigned conditions to its members, i.e., the node template prod_database and the requirement assignment prod_connects_to of the node template application. In contrast to the previous example this group is not derived from variability.groups.ConditionalMembers. Thus, the presence of the node template prod_database depends on condition is_prod.

    type: variability.groups.ConditionalMembers
    members: [prod_database, [application, prod_connects_to]]
    conditions: {logic_expression: is_prod}

Policy Template

A policy template is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective policy is not present. A policy can also hold conditional types and properties.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
type true String | List(Map(String, TypeAssignment)) The type or a list of conditional type assignments.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
properties false Map(String, PropertyAssignment) | List(Map(String, PropertyAssignment){single}) An optional map of property assignments or a list of property assignments maps. If a list is given, then each property assignment map must contain only one property.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

For example, the following policy template anticollocation has the variability condition is_prod assigned. Depending on the presence of this policy, the node templates wordpress and mysql must not be hosted on the same server, e.g., during production. For more information about this example, take a look in the TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.3.

        type: tosca.nodes.WebServer
            - host:
                          - os:
                                    - architecture: x86_64
                                    - type: linux

        type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL
            - host:
                  node: tosca.nodes.Compute
                          - os:
                                    - architecture: x86_64
                                    - type: linux

    - anticollocation:
          type: tosca.policies.AntiCollocation
          targets: [wordpress_server, mysql]
          conditions: {logic_expression: is_prod}

Artifact Template

A (deployment) artifact is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective artifact is not present. An artifact can also hold conditional properties.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
type true String | List(Map(String, TypeAssignment)) The type or a list of conditional type assignments.
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the artifact as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default artifact.
properties false Map(String, PropertyAssignment) | List(Map(String, PropertyAssignment){single}) An optional map of property assignments or a list of property assignments maps. If a list is given, then each property assignment map must contain only one property.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false List(container | technology, -) Configure the default condition for this element.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

For example, the following node template my_node has two artifacts artifact_a and artifact_b assigned which are both conditional.

    type: my.node
        - artifact_a:
              conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
        - artifact_b:
              conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Topology Template Input

A topology template input is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective input is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the input as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false source | relation | host | source-host | relation-host Configure the default condition for this element.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.

For example, the topology template input has a variability condition assigned.

       type: string
       conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Topology Template Output

A topology template output is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective output is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.
default_alternative false Boolean Declare the output as default. This overwrites assigned conditions. There must be only one default assignment.
default_condition false Boolean Enable the default condition for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_consistency_condition false Boolean Enable the default consistency condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_semantic_condition false Boolean Enable the default semantic condition for this element. Default condition must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
default_condition_mode false source | relation | host | source-host | relation-host Configure the default condition for this element.
pruning false Boolean Enable the pruning for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
consistency_pruning false Boolean Enable the consistency pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.
semantic_pruning false Boolean Enable the semantic pruning for this element. Pruning must be enabled for this element. This overrides the variability options of the variable topology template.

For example, the topology template output has a variability condition assigned.

       type: string
       conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Import Definition

An import definition is a conditional element, thus, variability conditions and other options can be assigned. These conditions must hold otherwise the respective import is not present.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
conditions false VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition) An optional variability condition. If a list is given, then the conditions are combined using the and operation.
implies false List(Tuple(Target: VariabilityCondition, Condition?: VariabilityCondition)) An optional list of implications following the pattern element implies target or (element and condition) implies target.

For example, the following import has a variability condition assigned.

   - file: some_file
     conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Normative Group Types

There are two normative group types variability.groups.Root and variability.groups.ConditionalMembers. The first group type is the root group every other variability-related group, such as variability.groups.ConditionalMembers should derive from.

    derived_from: tosca.groups.Root

The second group type should be used for variability groups.

    derived_from: variability.groups.Root
    conditions: VariabilityCondition | List(VariabilityCondition)    

Normative Interface Types

The following normative interfaces define a management interface for nodes and relationships. Currently, no management operations are defined. The definition is intended to be extended in other specifications, e.g., for building deployment artifacts after resolving variability.

Variability Management Interface for Nodes

The following interface manages the variability-related operations of nodes.
    derived_from: tosca.interfaces.Root

Variability Management Interface for Relationships

The following interface manages the variability-related operations of relationships.
    derived_from: tosca.interfaces.Root

Intrinsic Functions

The following intrinsic functions can be used inside a variability expression.

Logical Operators

The following logical operators can be used inside a logic expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
and List(BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if all values are true.
or List(BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if at least one value is true.
not BooleanExpression Boolean Negates the given value.
xor List(BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if an odd number of arguments is true.
exo List(BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if exactly one value is true.
implies Tuple(BooleanExpression, BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if first value implies the second value.
amo List(BooleanExpression) Boolean Evaluates if at most one value is true.

Arithmetic Operators

The following arithmetic operators can be used inside a variability expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
add List(NumericExpression) Numeric Sums up given values.
sub List(NumericExpression) Numeric Subtracts values from the first one.
mul List(NumericExpression) Numeric Multiplies given values.
div List(NumericExpression) Numeric Divides values from the first one.
mod Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression) Numeric Divides values and returns the remainder.

Presence Operators

The following presence operators can be used inside a logic expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
variability_input String Any Returns the value of a variability input.
logic_expression String Boolean Returns the value of the Logic Expression.
value_expression String Any Returns the value of the Value Expression.
node_presence Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if node is present.
host_presence Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if any host of the node is present. Note, an error will be thrown later when consistency is checked if there are multiple hosting relations present.
has_source Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if any source of any incoming relation of the node template is present.
has_incoming_relation Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if the node template is target of at least one present incoming relationship.
has_incoming_relation_naive Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if the node template is target of at least one present incoming relationship in a naive way that will result in a circle considering the default condition of relations.
has_outgoing_relation Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if the node template is source of at least one present outgoing relationship.
has_outgoing_relation_naive Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if the node template is source of at least one present outgoing relationship in a naive way that will result in a circle considering the default condition of relations.
has_artifact Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if any artifact of the node template is present.
has_artifact_naive Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET Boolean Returns if any artifact of the node template is present in a naive way that will result in a circle considering the default condition of artifacts.
relation_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Relation: String | Number) Boolean Returns if relation is present.
artifact_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Artifact: String | Number) Boolean Returns if artifact is present.
is_managed SELF | Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Artifact: String | Number) Boolean Returns if artifact is managed by a deployment technology.
policy_presence Policy: String | Number Boolean Returns if policy is present.
group_presence Group: String Boolean Returns if group is present.
input_presence Input: String | Number Boolean Returns if input is present.
is_consumed Input: String | Number Boolean Returns if input is consumed by a property.
output_presence Output: String | Number Boolean Returns if output is present.
is_produced Output: String | Number Boolean Returns if output is produced by a property.
source_presence SELF | CONTAINER Boolean Returns if source node of relation is present. Can only be used inside a relation. Otherwise use node_presence.
target_presence SELF | CONTAINER Boolean Returns if target node of relation is present. Can only be used inside a relation. Otherwise use node_presence.
has_present_target Policy: String | Number | SELF | CONTAINER Boolean Returns if any target of the given policy is present.
has_present_member Group: String | SELF | CONTAINER Boolean Returns if any member of the given group is present.
node_type_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET, Type: String | Number) Boolean Returns if type of node is present.
relation_type_presence Triple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Relation: String | Number, Type: String | Number) Boolean Returns if type of relation is present.
group_type_presence Tuple(Group: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Type: String | Number) Boolean Returns if type of group is present.
policy_type_presence Tuple(Group: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Type: String | Number) Boolean Returns if type of policy is present.
artifact_type_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET, Type: String | Number) Boolean Returns if type of policy is present.
node_property_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET, Property: String | Number) Boolean Returns if property of node is present.
relation_property_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Relation: String | Number, Property: String | Number) Boolean Returns if property of relation is present.
group_property_presence Tuple(Group: String | SELF | CONTAINER, Property: String | Number) Boolean Returns if property of group is present.
policy_property_presence Tuple(Policy: String | Number | SELF | CONTAINER |, Property: String | Number) Boolean Returns if property of policy is present.
artifact_property_presence Tuple(Node: String | SELF | CONTAINER | SOURCE | TARGET, Artifact: String | Number, Property: String | Number) Boolean Returns if property of artifact is present.
container_presence SELF | CONTAINER Boolean Returns if container is present. Can only be used inside a property or artifact.
import_presence Import: Number Boolean Returns if import is present.
technology_presence Tuple(Node: String, Technology: String | Number) Boolean Returns if technology of node is present.

String Operators

The following string operators can be used inside a variability expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
concat List(ValueExpression) String Concatenates the given values.
join Tuple(List(ValueExpression), String) String Joins the given values using the provided delimiter.
token Tuple(ValueExpression, String, Number) String Splits a given value by the provided delimiter and returns the element specified by the provided index.

Constraint Operators

The following constraint operators can be used inside a variability expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
equal List(ValueExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the given values are equal.
greater Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the first value is greater than the second value.
greater_or_equal Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the first value is greater or equal to the second value.
less Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the first value is less than the second value.
less_or_equal Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the first value is less or equal to the second value.
in_range Tuple(NumericExpression, Tuple(NumericExpression, NumericExpression)) Boolean Evaluates if the value is in a given range.
valid_values Tuple(ValueExpression, List(ValueExpression)) Boolean Evaluates if the value is element of the list.
length Tuple(ValueExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the value has a given length.
min_length Tuple(ValueExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the value has a minimum length.
max_length Tuple(ValueExpression, NumericExpression) Boolean Evaluates if the value has a maximum length.

Analytical Operators

The following analytical operators can be used inside a variability expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
sum List(Number) Number Returns the sum of the given values.
count List(Number) Number Returns the count of the given values.
min List(Number) Number Returns the min of the given values.
max List(Number) Number Returns the max of the given values.
mean List(Number) Number Returns the mean of the given values.
median List(Number) Number Returns the median of the given values.
variance List(Number) Number Returns the variance of the given values.
standard_deviation List(Number) Number Returns the standard deviation of the given values.
linear_regression List(List(Tuple(Number, Number)), Number) Number Returns the prediction using linear regression.
polynomial_regression List(List(Tuple(Number, Number)), Number, Number) Number Returns the prediction using polynomial regression.
logarithmic_regression List(List(Tuple(Number, Number)), Number) Number Returns the prediction using logarithmic regression.
exponential_regression List(List(Tuple(Number, Number)), Number) Number Returns the prediction using exponential regression.

Date Operators

The following date operators can be used inside a variability expression.

Keyname Input Output Description
weekday Empty List String Returns the current weekday.
same Tuple(String | Number, String | Number) Boolean Returns if first date is the same date as the second.
before Tuple(String | Number, String | Number) Boolean Returns if first date is before the second date.
before_or_same Tuple(String | Number, String | Number) Boolean Returns if first date is before or same as the second date.
after Tuple(String | Number, String | Number) Boolean Returns if first date is after the second date.
after_or_same Tuple(String | Number, String | Number) Boolean Returns if first date is after or same as the second date.
within Tuple(String | Number, Tuple(String | Number, String | Number)) Boolean Returns if given date is within the given dates.

Plugin Definition

The following plugins can be defined.

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
technology false List(String) An optional list of technology rule plugins. Strings are treated as relative imports. Plugins are also loaded from "./plugins/technology".

Technology Plugin

A technology plugin must export the following interface.

export type TechnologyPluginBuilder = {
    build(graph: Graph): TechnologyPlugin
export type TechnologyPlugin = {
    assign: (node: Node) => {[technology: string]: TechnologyTemplate}[]
    implement: (name: string, type: NodeType) => NodeTypeMap
    uses: (artifact: Artifact) => Technology[]


This section is outdated.

We describe on a high-level the steps to derive a variability-resolved service template from a variable service template.

Resolve Variability

To resolve the variability in a variable service template, conduct the following steps:

  1. Ensure that TOSCA definitions version is tosca_variability_1_0.
  2. Retrieve variability inputs assignments.
  3. Check the presence of all elements.
  4. Remove all elements, e.g., node templates or artifacts, which are not present.
  5. Remove all group members which are not present from group template.
  6. Remove all policy targets which are not present from policy template.
  7. Remove all variability groups.
  8. Remove all non-standard elements, e.g., variability definition, variability groups, or conditions at node templates.
  9. Transform all lists introduced in this document, such as property lists, to maps as defined in TOSCA.
  10. Set the TOSCA definitions version to tosca_simple_yaml_1_3.

Retrieve Variability Inputs Assignments

Variability inputs can be assigned either directly or indirectly using (possibly multiple) variability presets. Therefore, conduct the following steps:

  1. Merge all variability presets following the order in which they have been collected.
  2. Merge directly assigned variability inputs.

Thereby, inputs which are merged at a later step, override existing inputs. Thus, directly assigned variability inputs have the highest priority. For example, given the following variability definition.

            type: string
            type: string
            type: string

            name: Development
            description: Deploy the application on a private cloud
                mode: dev
                another_input: dev
                another_another_input: dev
            name: Production
            description: Deploy the application on a public cloud
                mode: prod
                another_input: prod

When the presets dev and prod are applied and the variability input mode is directly assigned to override, then the following variability inputs are retrieved.

mode: override
another_input: prod
another_another_input: dev

Check Element Presence

To check if an element is present, check that all assigned conditions hold:

  1. Collect all conditions which are assigned to the element via conditions.
  2. Collect all conditions which are assigned to variability groups via conditions which the element is member of.
  3. (Optional) Assign default conditions if no conditions have been collected yet.
  4. (Optional) Assign pruning conditions.
  5. Evaluate assigned conditions.

The element is present if all conditions hold.

Conduct Checks

To conduct the consistency and semantic checks, conduct the following steps:

  1. Ensure that each relation source of a present relation is present.
  2. Ensure that each relation target of a present relation is present.
  3. Ensure that every present node has at maximum one present hosting relation.
  4. Ensure that the node of each present artifact is present.
  5. Ensure that present artifacts have unique names within their node.
  6. Ensure that the node of each present property is present.
  7. Ensure that present properties have unique names within their node.
  8. Ensure that the container of each present type is present.
  9. Ensure that each present type container has exactly one present type.
  10. Ensure that every present node has a present hosting relation if the node had at least one conditional relation in the variable
  11. Ensure that every present node has a present incoming relation if the node had at least one incoming relation in the variable service template.
  12. Ensure that every present node has a present deployment artifact if the node had at least one deployment artifact in the variable service template.

Since the derived variability-resolved service template might be further processed, e.g. by topology completion, some or all of these checks might be omitted.

Pruning Elements

To further support modeling, elements can be pruned by additionally evaluating the respective default condition before evaluating assigned conditions. For example, when evaluating if a property of a node template is present, then evaluate first if respective node template is present and then assigned conditions. Such pruning propagates through the whole topology. For example, the properties of a relationship template used in a requirement assignment of a node template which is not present are also not present.

There are element-generic default conditions and type-specific default conditions. Element-generic default conditions are generic default conditions defined per element. However, type-specific default conditions are defined per type, e.g., node type, and, thus, override element-generic default conditions.


The variability-resolved service template can be optimized regarding the weight of node templates. The default weight of a node template is 1. Per default, the variability-resolved service template is optimized regarding the minimal weight/ number of node templates. The primary intention is to minimize the deployment complexity, but optimization could be also used, e.g., to minimize overall costs. The weight of a node template can be configured in its definition. Moreover, technology selection can be optimized.

Element System

When introducing conditional elements, we follow typically the approach of using a list whose entries are maps that contain a single element. Thus, elements can just be defined as usual but in a list (instead of a map) and can even share the same names. This has some implication on managing elements which we are discussing in the following.

Element Collections

As an overview, the following table shows the collections that are used in TOSCA and the ones which are used in Variability4TOSCA.

Element TOSCA Variability4TOSCA
Inputs Map Map, List
Outputs Map Map, List
Nodes Map Map, List
Relations List List
Properties Map Map, List
Policies List List
Groups Map Map, List
Artifacts Map Map, List

Element Uniqueness

As an overview, the following table shows the uniqueness of elements in TOSCA and in Variability4TOSCA in terms of identifiers, such as the key in a map. This is directly related to the used collections.

Element TOSCA Variability4TOSCA

Element Identifier System

Each element has an identifier that is unique per (variable) service template. This identifier system is required since some conditional elements, such as artifacts, can have non-unique names. The identifier of an element is constructed as follows.

<Element Type>.<Element Name>[@<Element Index>][.<Element Container ID>]

Available element types are node, relation, property, group, policy, artifact, input, output, technology, type, and import.

For example, consider the given variable service template.

        type: my.node
           - my_property:
                value: first
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_property:
                value: second
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_artifact:
                file: path/to/my_artifact_first
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_artifact:
                file: path/to/my_artifact_second
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Next, the following identifiers, among others, exist.

  • node.my_node for the node template my_node.
  • property.my_property@0.node.my_node for the first property my_property of the node template my_node.
  • artifact.my_artifact@1.node.my_node for the second artifact my_artifact of the node template my_node.

Element Display System

Each element has a display representation that is unique per (variable) service template. This display system is required since some conditional elements, such as artifacts, can have non-unique names. The display representation of an element is constructed as follows.

<Element Type> "<Element Name>[@<Element Index>]"[ of <Element Container Display>]

Available element types are Node, Relation, Property, Group, Policy, Artifact, Input, Output, Technology, Type, and Import.

For example, consider the given variable service template.

        type: my.node
           - my_property:
                value: first
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_property:
                value: second
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_artifact:
                file: path/to/my_artifact_first
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>
           - my_artifact:
                file: path/to/my_artifact_second
                conditions: <VariabilityCondition>

Next, the following display representations, among others, exist.

  • Node "my_node" for the node template my_node.
  • Property "my_property@0" of Node "my_node" for the first property my_property of the node template my_node.
  • Artifact "my_artifact@1" of Node "my_node" for the second artifact my_artifact of the node template my_node.

Reference Implementation

We provide a reference implementation for this specification as part of OpenTOSCA Vintner. OpenTOSCA Vintner is a TOSCA preprocessing and management layer. The project is open-source, licensed under Apache-2.0, and publicly available at GitHub.


This specification is developed for the purpose of research by the Institute of Software Engineering (ISTE) and the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The development is partially funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the Software-Defined Car (SofDCar) project (19S21002).


Please address all correspondence concerning this specification to Miles Stötzner <,>.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.

Last update: February 6, 2025