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This document holds a collection of arbitrary notes.


Home Directory

├─ templates/
├─ instances/
├─ assets/
├─ plugins.yaml

Instance Directory

├─ instances/
│  ├─ ${instance-name}/
│  │  ├─ data/
│  │  ├─ service-inputs/
│  │  │  ├─ ${timestamp}.yaml
│  │  ├─ templates/
│  │  │  ├─ ${timestamp}/
│  │  │  │  ├─ service-template.${timestamp}.yaml
│  │  │  │  ├─ variability-inputs.${timestamp}.yaml
│  │  │  │  ├─ variable-service-template.yaml
│  │  │  │  ├─ ...
│  │  ├─ info.yaml
│  │  ├─ ...
│  ├─ ...
├─ ...

Instance Info

Keyname Mandatory Type Description
name true String Instance name
state true String Instance state
creation_timestamp true Number ISO milliseconds of creation date
resolved_timestamp false Number ISO milliseconds of latest variablity inputs and variability-resolved service template
template_timestamp true Number ISO milliseconds of latest variable service template
service_inputs_timestamp false Number ISO milliseconds of latest service inputs

Instance State Machine

Instance State Machine

Template Config

A template might have a config.yaml at root of the following type.

export type Config = {
    dependencies: Dependencies

export type Dependencies = TemplateDependency[]
export type TemplateDependency = {
    source: string
    target?: string


Initialize a new Instance

vintner instances init

  1. Instance directory is created.
  2. Extracted CSAR (Template) is copied into instance template directory.
  3. Instance info is updated

Resolve the Variability of an Instance

vintner instances resolve

  1. Variability inputs are stored in the instance template directory.
  2. Variability in variable service template is resolved based on given variability inputs.
  3. Variability-resolved service template is stored in instance template directory.

Deploy an Instance

vintner instances deploy

  1. Deployment inputs are copied to the service inputs directory.
  2. Deployment command is sent to orchestrator. Variability-resolved service template is used.

Continue an Instance Deployment

vintner instances continue

  1. Continue deployment command is sent to the orchestrator. Variability-resolve service templated is used. For example, to rerun a failed deployment.

Swap an Instance Template

vintner instances swap

  1. New template is copied into (new) instance template directory
  2. Instance info is updated

Update an Instance

vintner instances update

  1. Deployment inputs are copied to the service inputs directory.
  2. Instance info is updated.
  3. Update command is sent to orchestrator. Variability-resolved service template is used.

Note, requires to resolve variability first. In contrast to deploying an instance, deployment inputs can be changed and the update command instead of the deploy command is sent to the orchestrator.

Adapt an Instance

vintner instances adapt

  1. Sensor data is collected and stored as variability inputs.
  2. Variability is resolved based on the new variability inputs.
  3. Instance is updated based on the new variability-resolved topology template.
  4. Instance info is updated.

In contrast to updating an instance template, adapting an instance regenerates the variability-resolve topology template and does not swap the variable topology template. In contrast to updating an instance, variability inputs change and variability is resolved.

Undeploy an Instance

vintner instances undeploy

  1. Undeployment command is sent to orchestrator.

Delete an Instance

vintner instances delete

  1. Instance directory is deleted.

Note, this does not undeploy the instance.


  • get${data} returns path to the data, e.g., Instance#getServiceInputs.
  • load${data} returns data loaded from the filesystem, e.g. Instance#loadServiceInputs.
  • set${data} writes data to filesystem, e.g. Instance#setService.

General Helpful Tools on Linux

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install sudo unzip tree nano wget jq net-tools curl git stress nmap -y

Put Some Stress on CPU and Memory

stress --cpu 18 --vm 36 --vm-bytes 1024M

Reverse SSH Tunnel

ssh -N -R 2999: pi

Executable File under Windows

git update-index --chmod=+x <path to file>

bwCloud Blocked Ports

Some ports are blocked when using bwCloud:

Naming Convention

Types should be named according to the following pattern.

type     = [domain]+.entity[.Name]+
entity   = "nodes" | "relationships" | "capabilities" | "artifacts" | "datatypes" | "groups
         | "policies" | "interfaces"
word     = ("a" ... "z" | "A" ... "Z")[word]
*        = word


All environment variables are prefixed by OPENTOSCA_VINTNER_. When the following environment variables are read, they are tried to be parsed as JSON. If they cannot be parsed, they are treated as string.


These environment variables should be used with caution.

Lines of Code

Run the following command, to count the lines of code in the src folder.

cloc src

The following output has been generated for the commit 3c6d29df6b7fb52b39d46ffe179e6800b60c4398 on September 5th, 2024.

     376 text files.
     339 unique files.                                          
      39 files ignored. v 1.98  T=0.12 s (2936.0 files/s, 260917.4 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TypeScript                     301           3529           2116          23146
YAML                             9             79              0            757
Bourne Shell                    21             77             80            250
EJS                              6             11              0             66
Python                           1              4              0             10
CSV                              1              0              0              1
SUM:                           339           3700           2196          24230

Adding a New Publication

  1. Step-by-step guide
  2. Zenodo
  3. Integration tests
  4. Entry in Publications
  5. Git tag
  6. Add used links

The following links are used in publications.


Typical Reasons for UNSAT

  1. Technology constraint; can be disabled by required_technology_constraint: false
  2. Artifact constraint; can be disabled by required_artifact_constraint: false
  3. Required incoming relation constraint; can be disabled by required_incoming_relation_constraint: false
  4. Due to some bug a node type or artifact type is not defined but a corresponding error is not thrown.


We briefly discuss limitations of our prototypical implementation.

  1. We expect that each relationship templates is used exactly once.
  2. We expect that relationship at requirement assignments is a string.
  3. We expect that names of hosting relations match /^(.*_)?host(_.*)?$/ since we do not implement the TOSCA type system.
  4. We expect that names of connection relations match /^(.*_)?connection(_.*)?$/ since we do not implement the TOSCA type system.
  5. We only support simple consumers, i.e., directly accessed by properties.
  6. We only support simple producers, i.e., directly accessing the property of a node, using Unfurl eval Jinja filter, Unfurl eval intrinsic function, and TOSCA get_property intrinsic function, and assume that if the property is not found that it is either produced by an undefined property with a default value or by an attribute.
  7. We only support Boolean variability inputs in variability input constraints.
  8. We do not support default expressions of variability inputs in variability input constraints.

Last update: February 6, 2025