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Queries4TOSCA Specification 1.0 Release Candidate

This document specifies a Query Language for TOSCA (Queries4TOSCA) inspired by XPath and Cypher. The specification is under active development and is not backwards compatible with any previous versions.


The following statements can be used inside a query.


A FROM statement is used to denote which templates or instances the query should be executed on. It starts with the literal FROM, followed by a space and the keyword templates or instances. Afterward, either a file path needs to be provided, or an asterisk can be used to select all service templates or instances, respectively.

From = "FROM" ("instances" | "templates") ("/" | ".") ("*" | filePath)


SELECT statements are used to select elements from a template. They are denoted by the keyword SELECT, followed by one or more path expressions separated by a comma. Path expressions are described in detail later. They can start with the special keywords Group or Policy, the name of an element, or a dot to select everything. Afterward, a series of mapping steps, filters, or array accesses can be used. Lastly, there is an optional return structure.

Select = "SELECT" Path ("," Path)*
Path = (Group | Policy | Step | ".") (ArrayAccess | Map | Filter)* ReturnClause?


MATCH statements are used to search for a pattern inside the nodes of a service template. A pattern consists of at least one node, along with any number of additional nodes and relationships. The syntax for denoting nodes and relationships is described in detail later.

Match = "MATCH" Node (Relationship Node)*


Single-line comments begin with two forward slashes and extend to the end of the current line. Multi-line comments begin with a forward slash and an asterisk and end with another asterisk and slash and can be inserted anywhere. Here are some examples.

// single-line comment
/* multi-line
comment */


Paths4TOSCA is a path expression syntax that can navigate the various parts of a service template. Paths are separated by dots. All parts of a topology template (node_templates, inputs, etc...) can be accessed directly. The following expressions can be used.

Symbol Meaning Description
name Literal Used to access an element at the current position by its name.
. Path Separator Mapping step.
* Wildcard Matches any child element.
SELF Current Element Matches the element that contains the query (inside templates only).
[Condition] Filter Evaluates the predicate inside the brackets for every current element.
[Integer] Array Access Returns the element at the specified position.
GROUP(name) Group Members Returns the set of nodes that belong to the group with the specified name.
POLICY(name) Policy Targets Returns the set of nodes that are targeted by the policy with the specified name.
@ Attributes Shortcut for attributes.
# Properties Shortcut for properties.
$ Requirements Shortcut for requirements.
% Capabilities Shortcut for capabilities.

Here are some examples.

node_templates.localhost       // Selecting a node directly by name
node_templates.localhost.#     // Selecting attributes of a node
node_templates.*               // Selecting all nodes
GROUP(my-group)                // Selecting all nodes in group 'my-group'
POLICY(my-policy)              // Selecting all nodes targeted by policy 'my-policy'


Elements can be filtered by putting a condition in square brackets. Strings need to be surrounded by single or double quotes, and may use regular expressions to find multiple possible matches. If a filter only consists of a single variable with no comparison operator, it will return true if the current element has a matching child element. Putting an exclamation mark before a condition negates it. The following operators can be used.

Symbol Description
! Negation
= Equality
!= Inequality
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
=~ Matches regular expression

Here are some examples.

node_templates.*[type='textfile']       // equality
node_templates.*[name!='localhost']     // inequality
node_templates.*[name=~'^local']        // regular expression
node_templates.*[properties]            // existence of field properties

Array Access

Accessing an element of an array can be accomplished by putting an integer inside square brackets after the path of the array. If the value inside the brackets is an integer, it is interpreted as an array access, otherwise, it is interpreted as a filter. Attempting to access non-existent array indices will return an empty result.

node_templates.*[0]                         // Selecting the first node template
node_templates.localhost.requirements[1]    // Selecting the second requirement of a node

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators can be used in predicates to link two or more conditions. AND returns true if both predicates evaluate to true, OR returns true if at least one of the predicates evaluates to true.

node_templates.*[type='textfile' AND name='first']
node_templates.*[name='first' OR name='second']

Return Structures

By default, the output that is returned will always consist of the value at the current context specified by the path expression. However, it is possible to define the shape of the returned data. This can be done by putting curly braces with comma-separated key-value pairs at the end of a path expression. Both key and value can either be a literal or a variable. When a variable is used as a key, it needs to evaluate to a string. Instead of a key-value pair, it is also possible to only specify the name of a value, in which case it will automatically be used as the name for the key.

The expression in the first line returns a list of objects comprised of the keys Node Name and Node Type mapped to the names and types of individual nodes. The second expression also returns a list of objects, but their keys are named directly after the values, namely name and type. The expression in the last line returns a list of objects consisting of only a single key-value pair, with the name of each individual node as the key, and the corresponding type as the value.

node_templates.*{'Node Name': name, 'Node Type': type}  // Using custom key names
node_templates.*{name, type}                            // Short form
node_templates.*{name: type}                            // List of node names mapped to type


The following sections describes how to define patterns, which can be matched using a MATCH statement.

Nodes are denoted by a pair of parentheses. Inside those parentheses, a variable name can be given to the node, otherwise they are anonymous and cannot be referenced in the SELECT clause.

()  // anonymous node template
(n) // node template with variable n

Nodes can optionally contain a filter in square brackets that allows the same predicate syntax described above. Selecting a node template can be seen as the equivalent of a SELECT clause that implicitly starts at the path node_templates.*.

([type='textfile'])   // anonymous node template with filter
(n [type='textfile']) // node template with variable n and filter

Relationships can be specified between nodes. They are connected to nodes via dashes or arrows to denote undirected or directed relationships, respectively. An incoming relationship means that the requirement of another node is fulfilled by a capability of the current node, while an outgoing relationship means that a requirement of the current node is fulfilled by the capability of the other node. An undirected relationship applies to both of these scenarios.

(a)-->(b)   // a has requirement fulfilled by capability of b
(a)<--(b)   // a has capability that fulfills requirement of b
(a)--(b)    // a and b have any relationship

Like node templates, relationships can be given a variable name, and their types can be specified using the same filter syntax. In order to do this, they need to be surrounded by curly braces inserted in the middle of the arrow.

(a)-{r}->(b)                // relationship with variable r
(a)-{r [name='host']}->(b)  // relationship with symbolic name host and variable r

It is also possible to search for node templates connected over multiple relationships by specifying a cardinality. This can be accomplished by putting an asterisk at the end of a relationship, followed optionally by a number or a range.

(a)-{*2}->(b)       // exactly two hops between a and b
(a)-{*2..5}->(b)    // between two and five hops
(a)-{*2..}->(b)     // at least two hops
(a)-{*..5}->(b)     // at most five hops
(a)-{*}->(b)        // any amount of hops

Appendix A "Grammar"

This appendix contains the Ohm grammar of Queries4TOSCA.

Query {
  Main = (Expression | MatchExpression) end
  Expression = FromExpression Select
  MatchExpression = FromExpression Match Select

  FromExpression = "FROM" ("instances" | "templates") ("/" | ".") (asterisk | filePath)

  Select = "SELECT" Path ("," Path)*
  Path = (Group | Policy | Step | ".") (ArrayAccess | Map | Filter)* ReturnClause?
  Map = "." Step
  Filter = PredicateExpression
  Step = shortcut? (asterisk | ident)
  ArrayAccess = "[" integer "]"
  ReturnClause = "{" KeyValuePair ("," KeyValuePair)* "}"
  KeyValuePair = Variable ":" Variable --complex
               | Variable              --simple
  Group = "GROUP" "(" ident ")"
  Policy = "POLICY" "(" ident ")"

  PredicateExpression = "[" Predicate "]"
  Predicate = Predicate logic Predicate -- multi
            | Condition -- single
  Condition = negation Value comparison literal -- comparison
            | negation Value -- existence

  Match = "MATCH" Node (Relationship Node)*
  Node = "(" ident? PredicateExpression? ")"
  Relationship = arrowLeft arrowRight --simple
               | arrowLeft "{" ident? PredicateExpression? Cardinality? "}" arrowRight --cond
  Cardinality = asterisk integer ".." integer --range
              | asterisk ".." integer --max
              | asterisk integer ".." --min
              | asterisk integer --exact
              | asterisk --unlimited
  Variable = literal | path | ident
  Value = shortcut? (path | literal)

  negation = "!" | ""
  arrowLeft = "<-" | "-"
  arrowRight = "->" | "-"
  asterisk = "*"
  comparison = "=~" | "=" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<"
  ident = letter (alnum | "_" | "-")*
  logic = "AND" | "OR"
  path = letter (alnum | "_" | "-" | ".")*
  filePath = (~space any)*
  literal = string | float | integer | bool
  bool = "true" | "false" | "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  shortcut = "@" | "#" | "$" | "%"
    = "'" (~"'" any)* "'"
    | "\"" (~"\"" any)* "\""
  integer = digit+
  float   = digit? "." digit+
  singleComment = "//" (~"\n" any)*
  multiComment = "/*" (~"*/" any)* "*/"
  space := singleComment | multiComment | ...

Reference Implementation

We provide a reference implementation for this specification as part of OpenTOSCA Vintner. OpenTOSCA Vintner is a TOSCA preprocessing and management layer. The project is open-source, licensed under Apache-2.0, and publicly available at GitHub.


This specification is developed for the purpose of research by the Institute of Software Engineering (ISTE) and the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The development is partially funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the Software-Defined Car (SofDCar) project (19S21002).


Please address all correspondence concerning this specification to Miles Stötzner <,>.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.

Last update: February 6, 2025